當年 X Files中FBI探員穆德與史卡利的劇中曖昧的關係,引爆出Fan Fiction的大流行


影迷其實並沒有在第一時間追這部電視影集 而是在演出多年之後才開始慢漫的追片趕上進度

當時 也對所謂的Fan Fiction極感興趣  畢竟影集中總是搞曖昧 


而有些所謂十八禁的內容當時也是大行其道 想像空間無限

好處是這種fan fic都是英文  即使看的時候有人就在旁邊  也以為是影迷很認真在學英文 不會注意到其他(爆)

沒想到過了這些年 又有一部Fan Fiction成為焦點

時代更進步了  網路更開放了 粉絲獲取資訊的管道更多更廣  影響力也能聚少成多 力量更大

暮光之城的Fan Fiction在當今網路環境更發達的狀況下

這部同樣是粉絲虛構所發表的作品"Fifty Shades of Grey"


並且不只在網路流傳 更具體的轉化為紙本小說公開發行


Fan Fiction是百無禁忌的  一旦發行成為實體書  其尺度想必......




看來現今很多流行產業是"女力 women power"的天下

例如大奧 原本是日本幕府後宮的專用詞 


影迷近期誤打誤撞才看到兩年前發行的這部"男女逆轉的大奧"漫畫及電影  真的蠻有意思的

是說 台北剛剛舉行的動漫展 竟然有56萬的參觀人次 相信排隊入場的女生的聲勢也年年高漲吧



2012年將在Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 之後暫告一段落吧

或許由暮光之城衍生出的Fifty Shades of Grey (格雷的50道陰影)將引領下一波的風潮

只是這是屬成人版內容 兒童不宜 所以普及度恐怕無法那麼高吧

不過從粉絲群大大討論起誰能當其中重要的男主角Christian Grey這點看來 





Christian Bale-vs-Matt Bomer  


是說Chrisitan Bale 卸下了蝙蝠裝之後

能否演出這位網路上迷姊們千呼萬喚眾所期待的角色~Christian Grey~呢

是說另外另一位同樣呼聲很高的Matt Bomer

如果摘下了White Collar是否能搶下這位花名在外註定萬眾矚目的好色男呢


原本是從暮光之城為藍本的影迷虛構故事 為了要發行自然只能改主角的人名

從原本的Edward  & Bella  變成為Christian Grey  & Anastasia Steel


而今這部同樣重口味的小說要改編成電影時  聽說美國殺人魔的作者有可能會參與其中劇本的改寫

這位美國殺人魔的作者針對網路上票選呼聲高的男主角人選Matt Bomer提出了他個人的想法

Matt Bomer Can't Play Christian Grey because he's gay - according to American Psycho writer, Bret Easton Ellis

哈哈 由於Matt Bommer在今年剛剛出櫃,這個背景的確讓有些人難免質疑這個很manly的角色是否可由他來演.

是說Christian Bale是否有可能繼美國殺人魔之後 再度接下這個同樣有爭議度的SM好色男角色呢

以年齡來說1974年生的Bale比1977年生的Bomer來說 雖然大不了多少 

不過近年減肥增重減肥增重太過頻繁之後 覺得Bale比起Bomer顯得有點滄桑

38歲的他要演28歲英俊多金的企業家男主角Christian Grey  行是不行呢  這個影迷也管不著

不過他們同樣都叫Christian這一點或許否能帶給他一種幸運的連結呢  哈哈


網路票選還在熱烈進行中  目前的確是以上兩位Bale與Bomer的呼聲高

新超人Henry Cavill  戀愛扎記的Ryan Gosling等也都有人提名

不過網路上大家都認同的演員是否會得到這個角色 基本上也是未知數

影迷光看多方報導 就會有點好奇並想像起這位多金企業家的銀幕形象起來了


如果讓黑暗騎士蝙蝠俠Bale來演 一旦成功 一樣可能會有好幾部曲能夠演下去吧 哈哈哈

這位企圖心強 總是演很大 很用力不用錢的演員 是近年影迷follow的很完整演員之一

如果又有所謂的Christian Grey三部曲能演的話 影迷就會又有得忙了

(**是說 影迷有時候也很怕那種讓人看了很無言又無力的 假假的羅曼史戲

所以基本上對這部小說改編為電影 只能說有點期待又會怕受傷害了......)




just for my own reference:


Christian Grey’ Facebook Poll: Christian Bale and Matt Bomer on the Lead


Speculations about who will play the dominant business tycoon in the erotic novel "Fifty Shades of Grey" continues to mount. Along with that, actors like Christian Bale and Matt Bomer leads the Facebook fan polls.


There are still controversies surrounding the upcoming adaptation of E.L. James' novel "Fifty Shades of Grey." The author recently confirmed that producers Dana Brunetti and Michael De Luca have joined in the project. He also expressed his disapproval of heartbroken Rob Pattinson as a potential cast, even though the novel was inspired by a "Twilight" fan fiction.


Although the producers said it was too early to think of potential casts since the director and writer for the movie haven't been hired yet, fan polls about who should play Christian Grey continues to roll.

Matt Bomer, one of those topping the list, is recently criticized by his ability to play such a "manly" role since he is openly gay. Another name to surface is "The Dark Knight Rises" star, Christian Bale.

Other actors who could potentially snag the coveted role include Ryan Gosling and even the new "Superman" Henry Cavill. Other hunks like William Levy and Channing Tatum are also considered.



Matt Bomer Slammed To Portray Christian Grey In The Upcoming ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Movie


Erotic novel character Christian Grey is currently the fantasy object of women and the actor who could portray the enigmatic bachelor in the upcoming "Fifty Shades of Grey" film is becoming a tough competition.


However, a high profile writer that is linked to the project has insisted that one of the actors suggested to be cast as Christian Grey is too openly gay to portray the part.


Bret Easton Ellis, the "American Psycho" novel author, has taken to the famous social networking site "Twitter" his thoughts about the suggestion that "Magic Mike" actor Matt Bomer could take on the much coveted role of Christian Grey.


"Okay I'll say it. Matt Bomer isn't right for Christian Grey because he is openly gay. He's great for other roles but this is too big a game. Matt Bomer: I don't care how good an actor you are but being married to another man complicates things for playing Christian Grey," Ellis posted on his account.


Ellis went on to say that the role of Christian Grey demands an actor who is into women and further claimed that the press tour would become an embarrassing fiasco if Bomer lands the part. Actor Matt Bomer came out gay earlier this year and he has three sons through a surrogate with his partner Simon Halls. Bomer has been frequently mentioned as a frontrunner for the "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie role after his performance as a male stripper in the film "Magic Mike."


Meanwhile, Ellis himself has been linked to the movie project and claimed that he had already put himself forward in writing the script about two months ago.


Despite the writer's claims, Ellis is not included on the rumored shortlist that was drawn up by the producers this week. Slamming actor Matt Bomer regarding his sexuality to take on a role proves that the writer has not shied away from controversy like he did in the past that attracted him hate mails and even death threats after publishing the violently graphic novel "American Psycho."





就喜歡亂亂寫些沒營養的東西降壓 真的是......一點辦法都沒有呀!




Christian Bale 'Favourite' To Play Lead In 'Fifty Shades Of Grey'


Batman star tops Facebook poll with Robert Pattinson second

It seems everyone has a different favourite to play the role of Christian Grey in the movie adaptation of 'Fifty Shade Of Grey', yet more than most apparently are plumping for Batman star Christian Bale.

In a Facebook poll for The Periscope Post, Bale took 33% of the vote, with a third of men and women wanting 'The Dark Knight Rises' star to take on the role.

Seeing as this is a group that tend to be fans of the Batman films, perhaps they don't like the idea of their hero swapping his cowl for S&M gear.

Of the 2,229 people surveyed, 17% thought heartbroken Robert Pattinson should put Kristen Stewart behind him by taking things out on whoever plays Anastasia Steele.

Lagging slightly behind were heart throbs Ryan Gosling and Michael Fassbender on 14% and 11% of the vote respectively.

Chris Rock was the actor people least wanted to see in the red room of pain, clocking only 3% of the vote.

Thomas D. Gommes, Founder and Publisher of The Periscope Post said: “Handsome, young and charming Christian Bale has the ideal characteristics needed for the role of Christian Grey.

Men want to be him and women want to be with him – it is therefore no surprise he took a 1/3 of the votes.”


Entertainmentwise's own poll saw Ian Somerhalder top the vote with 27%, with Gosling and Pattinson again registering high voteshares in second and third place

The full results were:

1. Christian Bale 33%

2. Robert Pattinson 17%

3. Ryan Gosling - 14%

4. Michael Fassbender - 11%

5. Bradley Cooper – 10%

6. Justin Timberlake - 6%

7. Zach Galifianakis - 6%

8. Chris Rock - 3%


這部由Fan Fic發展出來的情色羅曼史,似乎也將在台灣上市 


畢竟國情不同 不知道接受度如何 

只是以前的Fan Fic只有在死忠的粉絲中隱然的流傳



不像電影有分級制  書籍的十八禁要禁是相對困難的

越有禁字  大家會越想看吧  人的好奇很難禁止



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