SoccerMovie- Fever Pitch

或許是因為離明年德國世界杯越來越靠近....連電影都趕流行的拍起有關足球的故事...! 是說,這些年來電影搞置入式行銷是越來越有心得,從手機到手表,從車子到服裝,想得到的東西都可以來做個商業宣傳...., 足球相關最大宗的該就是球衣和球鞋了,如果國際大品牌卯起來投資,其實也是一種很實際又頗有成效的廣告宣傳呢!


還沒決定要不要到電影院看這部〔疾風禁區 = Goal ]電影之前,先來為自己做一個足球電影的回顧及未來的規劃.

Fever Pitch [1997] 



btw, 由於美國版的DVD封面實在是太沒感覺...對男人來說,或許美女泳裝圖比較吸引人,問題是,片中也沒有這種片段,為什麼要加一個美女在封面,或許這就叫做行銷手法.... XD

美國的封面真的很....... Review
In Fever Pitch rumpled, amiable Colin Firth plays a rumpled, amiable English teacher named Paul. He's also an obsessive football fan who's been avidly following Arsenal for 18 years. When he falls into a relationship with a new teacher named Sarah (Ruth Gemmel), his deep attachment to Arsenal proves an obstacle. This sounds like some cheap men-and-women-don't-understand-each-other setup, but instead Fever Pitch not only explores the origins of Paul's football fandom, it actually communicates an infectious sense of what that kind of sports enthusiasm can mean, how it can provide an almost tribal identity. Even better, the movie takes this devotion seriously without ever losing sight of how it can be completely ridiculous at the same time, resulting in some amazing, funny scenes. Gemmel is charming, and Firth is simply superb. He's a great actor who, despite his memorable turn as Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, never quite fits into conventional leading man roles and so has tended to play oddballs and redeemable villains, as in Shakespeare in Love and The English Patient. He's a perfect fit for this script, written by Nick Hornby (author of High Fidelity and About a Boy) from his novel of the same name. The humour of Fever Pitch is all the more engaging because it's grounded in richly developed characters and emotions. --Bret Fetzer,


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