R3 Don't Tell
The Best day of my life
愛情對手戲La vita che vorriei 2004
D2 The Best day of my life
Light of my eyes-2001
Licht meiner Augen-2004
Luigi Lo Cascio
I Cento passi-2000
I Cento passi-2000
Light of my eyes-2001
LIght of my eyes-2001
The Hundred Steps-2000
The Hundred Steps-2000
The Hundred Steps-父與母
The Hundred Steps-poster
The Best of youth-summerday
The Best of youth- Brothers
The Best of youth- girl
The Best of youth- Nicola
The Best of youth- Nicola2
Luigi - Don't tell 誘禍
Luigi - Don't tell 誘禍
Luigi - Don't tell 誘禍
Luigi - Don't tell 誘禍
Good morning night